Giving God all the Glory, Michelle, came through the end of 2009 with an awesome victory!!!! 2009 has been a year full, (and then some) of trials for her and her family, but God brought the victory on the last day of 2009!!!! Cancer Free!!!! Amen. All her scans came through clean and free!! God we give you ALL the Glory!!! Thanks to all who have lifted her up in prayer. Continue to keep her in your prayers, she has been my link to sanity for many years!!! We love you sis!!!!
First and foremost I want to say that I am so honored to say that I am Saved By God's Amazing Grace. As unworthy as I am, He picked me up out of the deep miry clay and set my feet on solid ground. I am a christian working mom with 6 children. 3 of them are married and 3 still at home. Our oldest is 23 and our youngest is 21 months. Big age range huh? Well, Joanna; a.k.a "Squirt" is the youngest and she always has a smile to offer mommy, no matter how bad I feel, it works!!